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game theory是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

game theory

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game theoryn.

1.博弈论;对策论the part of mathematics that deals with situations in which people compete with each other, for example war or business


n.1.a mathematical theory primarily concerned with determining an optimal strategy for situations in which there is competition or conflict, e.g. in business activities or military operations

1.博弈论博弈论”(Game Theory)引入中国的开山之人,做了大量有关博弈论“传道授业”的工作。

2.赛局理论赛局理论 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书赛局理论Game theory),有时也称为对策论,或者博弈论,应用数学的一个分支,目 …

3.博弈理论212、博弈理论game theory)是现代经济学的基础理论之一,它所研究的是人们的决策选择以及相应的均衡问题。举一个经 …

4.对策论由于对策论game theory)和当代神经科学的发展,西方学者在利他主义等伦理学问题上的实验研究已经取得了很多成果,其 …

5.博奕论博奕论Game Theory)是研究决策主体的行为在发生直接的相互作用时,人们如何进行决策以及这种决策的均衡问题。也就 …

6.博奕理论运用博奕理论Game Theory)的分析方法,将有助於我们发展出双赢的经营策略。但若习惯以「零和」方式思考问题,往往 …

7.游戏理论经济学的游戏理论game theory)一个解释合理行动的理论。这么解释:战略性行动”,一个人或一个企业在决定自己的行动时…


1.Heraclitus's game is the beginning of the West on game theory, Plato was the first to recall the game from the sky the earth.赫拉克利特的游戏说是西方关于游戏理论的开端,柏拉图是第一个把游戏从天上召回地上的人。

2.But for analysts and policymakers trying to gauge the chance of a catastrophic war, game theory offers a crucial insight.但对于那些想了解爆发灾难性战争的可能性究竟有几成的分析人士来说,博弈理论可能提供了最为重要的视角。

3.When economists are faced with analysing this sort of decision, they reach for a branch of mathematics called game theory.经济学家分析此类问题的时候,运用上了一种称为游戏理论的数学分支。

4.The paper studies the conditions on which associated bank is ready to collaborate with credit guaranty institution applying to game theory.利用博弈方法研究信用担保机构与协作银行合作的条件。

5.Some of these have influenced game theory, which originally provided Ms Ostrom with her analytical tools.这些实验,有的还反过来影响了最初给奥斯特罗姆提供分析工具的博弈论。

6.If the children had a better understanding of game theory they would have anticipated my move at B and thus misbehaved at A.如果孩子能更好地理解博弈他们会预测到我选B而不是选A的行为不当。

7.What game theory offered was a specification of a set of feasible outcomes -- the "solution" of the game.博弈论提供的只是对一个可能结果——即博弈的“解”——的集合的详细说明。

8.Standard game theory predicts that in an anonymous one-off exchange like this the trustee ought to keep the gift and not reciprocate.标准的游戏理论预测,类似的匿名一次性交换中,被信任者应该留住礼物,而不会回报。

9.But how, in the heat of the moment, can you remember what you learned about game theory?但盛怒之时,谁又会记得在博弈论里面学过什么?

10.And the game theory is first used in deriving the general equilibrium conditions of passenger satisfaction with rail passenger service.并利用博弈的方法推导出铁路客运服务业中旅客满意的一般均衡条件。
